Dom Sullivan

Is anything ever different anywhere.

My name is Dom and I was born in my grandmothers’ bath in Byron hills where I still lay my head from time to time

It's nice there, an oasis in the middle of suburbia. An eerie calmness comes over me whenever I'm there. I love to listen to my grandparents’ stories as we sit on the back porch tipping tea.

They have photos from here in the early 80s, their wood cabin the only house, surrounded by farm land. My grandmother would walk their dirt drive way down to the highway to sell bananas.

I feel blessed to have grown up in this place and especially in a time before Byron's exponential growth. A time when as a teenager there was nothing to do, only the beach.

Less range rovers and linen wrapped babies. No different to any other small town along the east coast, but this one was ours. The Indigenous see Byron as a place of healing where one should not stay. Come, heal and move on. A sacred place.

It's easy here it suits me too well. A bubble which you must burst from time to time only to crawl back into its safety and relish in its beauty.

I have found my soulmate here in Jessekah. We recently finished a documentary project together title H.E.M.P - Helping Eliminate Malicious Propaganda.

H.E.M.P is an education series on the cannabis plant. It attempts to remove the controversial image that 70 years of propaganda has left behind.

It is an ode to promote and honour the plant by helping to soften the stigma that is often carried over from recreational cannabis on to the plant as a whole. In this exciting political climate cannabis has airtime in parliaments all around the world. H.E.M.P asks that wherever the Aussie stands on this topic, let it be educated.

I am influenced by nature and the inner working of things. If we can stay true to our inner intuition and inherit connection to all things than surely we can leave this earth in a better place.


Dom and Jessekah's emotive docu series is a beautiful depiction of the realities of Hemp uses, legalisation and production in the US and Australia. This series is as much informative as it is relatable, in a world where fear of the unknown is encouraged we are urged to shed the stigma of the past and open up to what once was (is) an extremely demonised super resource (HEMP).

Follow the links below to watch now or at

Hemp In Fashion: Episode 1 Hemp Documentary Series

THC USA: Episode 2 Hemp Documentary Series

CBD USA: Episode 3 Hemp Documentary Series

History of Hemp: Episode 4 Hemp Documentary Series

Medical Cannabis Australia: Episode 5 Hemp Documentary Series

SOLEMATE: Dom Sullivan
Photographer: Myles Doughman